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We here at the Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare have developed the Child Welfare Video Wall, with the help of LT Media.Lab at the University of Minnesota.

The Child Welfare Video Wall is an opportunity for everyone who works in, cares about, or has been impacted by the field of child welfare to give voice to their feelings and ideas about how we can all make a difference in the lives of vulnerable kids and their families.

We hope that through this video wall, we can start a national (and even international) dialogue on child welfare. Child welfare faculty and training programs will be able to use the videos to stimulate and engage learners. Viewers will be able to understand different perspectives and points-of-view, leading to deeper understanding of the complexities in the system and informed decision- and policy making.

Kristy Piescher, our Director of Research & Evaluation, adds to the dialogue:
Please note: Internet Explorer may have issues playing this video. It can be found under the question, “If you could change one thing in child welfare to make things better for children and families, what would it be?”