Child Welfare Policy & Practice Blogs

Could adoption payments increase permanency?

By |2016-12-01T19:33:02-06:00May 9th, 2014|Categories: Stability, Permanency, and Adoption|Tags: , , , , |

Today's guest blogger is Steve Schirlbauer The article I summarized is entitled "Adoption payment hike could get more Minnesota kids in permanent homes" written by Jeremy Olson of the Star Tribune on March 13, 2013. Description Minnesota provides monthly compensation to families providing foster care or adopting children whose birth parent’s parental rights have been [...]

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IV-E students attend Spring Child Welfare Conference: Attending to Well-Being in Child Welfare

By |2014-05-07T12:38:19-05:00May 9th, 2014|Categories: Field Notes|

On Tuesday, May 6th several current IV-E students attended the CASCW Spring Conference, which looked at various aspects of well-being within child welfare. Information on the presenters as well as links to the conference handouts can be found here: Soon we will have a link to the recorded version of this conference up on [...]

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The Foster Care to Child Trafficking Pipeline

By |2016-12-01T19:33:02-06:00May 7th, 2014|Categories: Stability, Permanency, and Adoption|Tags: , , , , |

Today's guest blogger is Ashley Booker. The article “Stopping the Foster Care to Child Trafficking Pipeline” by Malika Saada Saar was posted on the Huffington Post October of 2013 (Saar, 2013). The article began with Saar sharing that most of the children being sexually exploited in the United States are children who have been involved with [...]

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Omnibus E-12 provisions would provide grant money to NAZ and the Saint Paul Promise Neighborhood

By |2016-12-01T19:33:02-06:00May 7th, 2014|Categories: CASCW at the Capitol|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Maps showing the Northside Achievement Zone (NAZ) and the St. Paul Promise Neighborhood (SPPN).Sources: Compiled images from NAZ and Wilder Two provisions in the Senate omnibus E-12 finance bill (S.F. 767) would appropriate $600,000 each to both the Saint Paul Promise Neighborhood (SPPN) and the Northside Achievement Zone (NAZ) for FY 2015 in order to [...]

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When reunification leads to re-entry

By |2016-12-01T19:33:02-06:00May 6th, 2014|Categories: Stability, Permanency, and Adoption|Tags: , , , , |

Today's guest blogger is Sara Campbell. Minnesota has been proud of its success in keeping children out of foster care. It has been seen as a national leader for its relatively low population of children living in foster care. On the surface, this seems like a good thing.  Unfortunately, there is a dark side. Efforts [...]

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Students evaluate their own practice within their field placements—2014 Advanced Social Work Evaluation Symposium

By |2016-12-01T19:33:02-06:00May 2nd, 2014|Categories: Field Notes|

May 1st was the first of a four-day Advanced Social Work Evaluation Symposium. All advanced standing and 2nd year students participate in this course that guides students in conducting a direct practice evaluation within their field placement. IV-E scholars looked at their own direct practice work within their specific field placement settings to learn to [...]

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Building Blocks Toward Permanent Families—National Foster Care Month

By |2016-12-01T19:33:02-06:00May 1st, 2014|Categories: CASCW at the Capitol|Tags: , , , , , , |

Last month we observed National Child Abuse Prevention Month. We focused on making meaningful connections as a way to reduce instances of child maltreatment, for such connections strengthen bonds between not only individuals, but also among families and communities. Meaningful connections build support networks for children and families while reinforcing a sense of communal responsibility [...]

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Exploitation and sex trafficking of foster youth

By |2016-12-01T19:33:02-06:00April 30th, 2014|Categories: Stability, Permanency, and Adoption|Tags: , , , |

This post was written by  Heather Thornton. Sex trafficking has rapidly become a massive human rights issue, affecting the lives of children, youth and families, both nationally and internationally. On March 25th, 2014, the Los Angeles Times published an article by writer Abby Sewell addressing the harsh reality that foster care providers and group home [...]

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