Search results for: reunification

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Re-Entry to Foster Care Report

Authors: Annette Semanchin Jones, MSW; Traci LaLiberte, PhD; Patrick J. Mitchell; and Paul Lennander Date: February 17, 2010, updated December 2015 This report is the product of a collaboration between Hennepin County and the University of Minnesota, known as the Hennepin-University Partnership, or HUP. It is a comprehensive literature review, annotated bibliography, and evidence-based practice guide on [...]

By |2016-12-01T19:33:35-06:00February 17th, 2010|Categories: |0 Comments

Protective Supervision: An Exploratory Study— Strengthening the Capacity to Respond to Children in High-Risk Families

Subject Summary, Spring 2007 Authors: Esther Wattenberg & Kate Troy Through state-wide focus groups and interviews with representatives from child protection and the judicial system, this study explored the understanding of and circumstances for Protective Supervision. A summary and striking finding is that there is no common understanding of the concept, definition, or uses of [...]

By |2016-12-01T19:33:37-06:00April 1st, 2007|Categories: |0 Comments

Considering Attachment Issues in Permanency Decisions

Considering Attachment Issues in Permanency Decisions: Q & A Session with Byron Egeland, Martha Farrell Erickson, &amp, Esther Wattenberg Date Published: June 24, 1998 Protecting children from abuse and neglect confronts the Child Welfare field with daunting decisions that will have life-shaping consequences for both high risk families and their children. These decisions, to be [...]

By |2016-12-01T19:33:39-06:00June 24th, 1998|Categories: |0 Comments

Redrawing the Family Circle: Concurrent Planning—Permanency for Young Children in High Risk Situations

A Summary of Proceedings of the Symposium Details Author: Esther Wattenberg Date: December 12, 1997 Excerpt from the introduction:Can this concept known as ‘concurrent planning’ be a useful initiative for this state and its eighty-seven counties? Can we implement the concepts in concurrent planning, i.e., simultaneously offer services to families, while seeking foster-adopt placements as [...]

By |2016-12-01T19:33:39-06:00December 12th, 1997|Categories: , |0 Comments
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