This week, the MN Legislature takes an extended break for Jewish and Christian holidays, so there’s no new legislation or activity to report.

Still, it was an exciting week for us here at the Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare. We hosted our 12th Annual Child Welfare conference. Each year it’s free, viewed in person or streamed online across the globe. This year’s theme was:

“Social Media, Smart Phones, and Safety: How Technology is Changing Child Welfare Practice”

A huge thank you to all the people who made the conference a success! In keeping with the theme, we had fun playing with technology and testing the ways that social media can help us connect to others with shared interests.

We invite you to view the conference archives and read the CW360 publication on this webpage. Video should be up within a couple business days, if it’s not there immediately. And to keep this important and developing conversation rolling, you can use the Twitter hashtag #cwtech to discuss how evolving technology impacts the child welfare system’s service to children and families. Follow @CASCW_MN on Twitter, where we’ll continue to provide follow up on the conference, and ongoing updates on child welfare research and policy issues.