Today at noon the Minnesota legislative session reconvened. Did you know that CASCW has an active public policy focus?

CASCW’s Child Welfare Policy Resources

Since 2011 we have been blogging during each Minnesota legislative session, tracking child welfare-related legislation and decoding bill text in order to understand the impact bills may have on child welfare practice and the community.

We will again be regularly blogging throughout the session on bills related to child welfare. Be sure to follow our Child Welfare Policy blog! You can also keep up with when House and Senate committees will hear these bills by viewing our Calendar, which has a “Public Policy” category to track these hearings (and other legislative events). For a daily list of relevant committee hearings, just visit our main Public Policy page—the right sidebar features this (and it’s updated daily!).

Additionally we will be tracking specific legislation that, if passed, may have an impact on children and families involved in Minnesota’s child welfare system. You can find our bill tracking webpage here. If you know of a bill that could impact child welfare but do not see it on this list, send me an email at .

If you’re curious about Minnesota policy resources, including legislative links and information on how policy impacts practice, visit our Policy Resources page.