This month the Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare has three new Policy Briefs available online. CASCW’s Policy Briefs aim to explore how the field of child welfare interacts with policy and research. The Briefs serve as a “user’s guide” for policy makers and advocates, pointing to the articles most directly linked to policy problems and promising solutions. Links to and descriptions of these briefs are below.

Cover of child welfare & technology policy brief Child Welfare and Technology is a briefing on emerging uses of
technology for Minnesota’s Child Protection, Foster Care, and Adoption service systems. This briefing builds upon CASCW’s publication CW360°: Child Welfare and Technology.
Cover of disparities in the child welfare system policy brief Child Well-Being in Minnesota: Legislative Responses to Reduce Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Child Welfare is a briefing on racial and ethnic disparities in Minnesota’s Child Protection, Foster Care, and Adoption service systems.
Cover of early childhood & child welfare policy brief Child Well-Being in Minnesota: Legislative responses to defining risk across systems for children 0-5 is a briefing on how risk is defined by Minnesota’s Early Intervention services and their role in the Child Welfare field. Overview of Early Head Start, Child Protection Screenings, and opportunities for Cross System Coordination. This briefing builds upon CASCW’s publication CW360°: Using a Developmental Approach in Child Welfare Practice.