Compiled by Mariel Carlson, Graduate Assistant and Ariana King, Graduate Assistant

The Minnesota legislature returned from break on Tuesday to continue its hearings of omnibus bills. Previous bills which we reported on and were laid over for possible inclusion have “lost their number” when they are potentially rolled into the committee omnibus bills.

National News
Minnesota U.S. Senator Tina Smith (D-MN) joined fellow senators in calling for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to increase eligibility and accessibility of the Head Start program. This would give more families access to affordable, high-quality childcare, health and education services, and decrease the workload for the program’s administration. Head Start programs have existed for over 55 years and give crucial early childhood education to children from lower socioeconomic status. Not only does it support children, but their families in leading healthy lives. Currently, many families who could benefit from these services do not qualify because they make slightly more than the federal poverty level.

International News
Over 2,000 Ukrainian families have fled their homeland and made it to the U.S.-Mexico border. Once there, however, children are often separated from their parents in the same 2008 law that mandated that for Mexican and other Latinx families. This law requires “unaccompanied minors” to stay in government centers until their parents/caregivers have been approved to enter the country. The unaccompanied component often happens because family members can not all escape Ukraine at the same time and children leave first. The number of families impacted is unknown at this time, but volunteers estimate about at least 50. As more children arrive from Ukraine without guardians, the crowds at the detention centers will increase and more families will wait in limbo.

Please follow CASCW’s curated bill tracking account on the Minnesota State Legislature website to keep tabs on what’s happening specifically related to child welfare. You can also find information on House and Senate hearings (all streamed virtually).

Brief Updates

  • HF4579 / SF4165 The Human Services committee omnibus bill addresses poverty, child care, mental health, and community care. It was adopted as amended on 4/19 in committee and an upcoming hearing on 4/27/2022 in the House Ways and Means committee. It had its second reading in the Senate on 4/21/2022 after being amended and recommended to pass per committee report.
  • HF4706 / SF4410This Health and Human Services omnibus bill provides funding to support the health workforce, including behavioral health employees and loan forgiveness. It was heard in the Finance Committee on 4/19/2022, amended, and recommended to pass. The House companion was adopted as amended and will be heard in the Ways and Means Committee on 4/27/2022. 
  • HF4735This bill is the House Early Childhood Committee’s supplemental early childhood funding and policy bill. It was heard by the Ways and Means committee on 4/21 and adopted as amended. It will be heard again on 4/27. There is no Senate companion at this time.

Important Timelines to keep in mind

  • Monday, May 23 – Last day of session

Stay tuned for more legislative updates as we gather information and track what’s happening at the Capitol.