Minn-LInK Report Brief—Special Topic No. 40, Summer 2019
Author: DeZelar, S. M.

The purpose of this study was to explore child protection involvement for children with ASD, as compared to children with other disabilities and children without disabilities, including involvement rates, re-reports, allegation type, and services recommended. This study also sought to highlight the demographic differences and disparities of children with ASD who were involved in child protection. The following questions were explored in this study:

  1. Does the child protection involvement of children with ASD differ from that of children with other disabilities and children without disabilities with respect to rates of involvement, the number of accepted cases (i.e., re-reports), allegation types, and recommended services?
  2. Does the rate of CPS involvement among children with ASD vary by race/ethnicity, family income, and urban/rural residency??


Minn-LInK is a unique collaborative, university-based research environment with the express purpose of studying child and family well being in Minnesota using state administrative data from multiple agencies.