Minn-LInK Report Brief—Special Topic No. 38, Spring 2019
Author: Witham, M. A.

The purpose of this study was to (a) determine if there is evidence of post-treatment symptom reduction for a racially-diverse sample of children and adolescents served by a community-based mental health clinic, (b) identify subgroups of children by environmental risk, and (c) determine if there are differences between subgroups on outcome
change scores.

  1. Do children who receive mental health treatment show significant symptom reduction on
    pre- to post-treatment measures?v
  2. Are there meaningful homogeneous groups of children that can be identified based on
    environmental risk factors?
  3. Do changes in symptomology differ by identified environmental risk subgroups?


Minn-LInK is a unique collaborative, university-based research environment with the express purpose of studying child and family well being in Minnesota using state administrative data from multiple agencies.