
Wunderlust Productions, a local theater company in Minnesota, is creating a play about adoption and wants to hear from those who have been personally impacted by adoption. They invite adopted individuals, birth parents and adoptive parents to be a part of story circles.

About the Project:

We are working on the creation of a new play about, for, and with people affected by adoption, from adoptees, adoptive parents, birth parents, siblings, and foster parents, to people who work within the adoption process, like social workers and medical personnel. The project will include members of the adoption community in every step of the process, from writing the play to performing in it, and everything in between. Currently, we are organizing our first round of story circle workshops to gather stories from members of this community.

We are hoping to reach members of the adoption community from as diverse a background as possible to gather a variety of experiences and perspectives. All activities will be accessible to those with disabilities, and we have funding to reimburse participants for Metro Mobility transportation if needed. We are looking for organizations that can partner with us on this project, helping with any of the following:

  • Distributing information to members of the adoption community about story circle workshops.
  • Hosting a story circle.
  • Suggesting ideas about who else we should talk to about this project.
  • Providing advice in how best to work with community members to ensure
  • Inclusiveness, respect for privacy, and sensitivity to emotional vulnerability.


From their website:

Who can attend? Anyone in Minnesota who has been affected by adoption, from adoptees, adoptive parents, birth parents, siblings, and foster parents, to people who work within the adoption process, like social workers and medical personnel. If you need transportation or any kind of disability service, let us know – we can help.

What does it cost? It’s free. And there will be snacks.

What are the rules? Share as much or as little as you want. Be sober. Be on time. Be a respectful listener to others in the circle.

What will we do in this story circle? Activities will be simple, mostly telling stories, writing down thoughts, and generally just sharing your own experience. If you don’t feel like sharing, you can just listen. Nobody’s stories or experiences will be used in the play directly like a documentary – they’ll be blended together into a fictional story. And nobody’s stories or experiences will be used without permission.

This is an opportunity to be part of a creative team, making a play that brings your experiences to life, to share with other members of the adoption community, their families and friends, and members of the general public. It’s an opportunity to share and learn from others, be creative, and to have fun.


Date Time Location City
Mon. Oct. 27 8:00-9:30 pm Byerly’s Meeting Room
3777 Park Center Blvd
St. Louis Park
Sat. Nov. 8 2:00-4:00 pm Nautilus Music-Theater Studio
308 Prince St #190
St. Paul
Mon. Nov. 10 6:30-8:30 pm Ben & Laura’s house
3528 South 27th Ave
Wed. Nov. 12 6:30-8:30 pm Nautilus Music-Theater Studio
308 Prince St #190
St. Paul
Thu. Nov. 20 7:00-9:00 pm Byerly’s Meeting Room
3777 Park Center Blvd
St. Louis Park
Sat. Nov. 22 11:30-1:30 pm Pillsbury House & Theatre
3501 Chicago Ave S


SIGN UP             Send an email to signup@WLproductions.org.

MORE INFO:      www.wonderlustproductions.org

Why do we do story circles?
In traditional theater, most plays start with a story, and then reach out to a community. Most of our plays start with a community, and through that community, we discover the stories. We conduct story circles, interviews, and facilitated discussions with  members of an identified community that we are curious about. They tell us what a play about their lives should have in it. From their stories we develop a new play, or adapt a class one that will encompass the diverse experiences of the community. We do not make documentary theater – no one person’s story will be on stage in its entirety. We combine stories and work with classic themes to find a larger story: based on dramatic storytelling and artistry; inspired by community experience; embracing the inherent conflict of opposing perspectives within a single community; epic enough to encompass diversity and inspire transformative experience.


To get involved or ask questions:

Ellen Fenster, Community Liaison for Wonderlust Productions – lnfenster@hotmail.com, 612-743-2703

Email or call Leah Cooper or Alan Berks, Co-Artistic Directors of Wonderlust Productions

leah@WLproductions.org, 612-227-2046

alan@WLproductions.org, 612-423-6335