The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists has just released a Committee Opinion on Adoption.
This statement aims to provide a discussion about the role of and challenges for obstetrician-gynecologists in working with women seeking medical assistance related to fertility, pregnancy and childbirth.
The Committee on Ethics of the Ameican College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists make the following recommendations in their document:

  • Physicians have a responsibility to provide information about adoption to appropriate patients. The information provided should be accurate and as free as possible of personal bias and opinions.
  • A physician’s primary responsibility in caring for a woman considering adoption is to her and not to the prospective adoptive parents.
  • Physicians should be aware of adoption resources in their areas and refer patients to licensed adoption agencies.
  • When physicians complete medical screening forms for prospective adoptive parents, the physician’s role is to provide truthful, accurate information to screening agencies.
  • Because of ethical issues related to undue influence, competing obligations, and lack of expertise, physicians should not serve as brokers of adoptions.

For more, click here for the full statement.