It’s that time of year again. Spring semester at the School of Social Work means guest blog posts from students enrolled in the SW5905 Permanency in Child Welfare course. Each week starting next week and continuing through to the end of May, we will be publishing blog posts written by students learning about permanency and adoption.

Students were asked to choose an article, either in the current media or in a peer-review journal, or other related item, related to permanency and adoption. The purpose of this assignment is to apply critical thinking skills to topics related to permanency and adoption and to educate a broader, general audience through analyzing writings about permanency and adoption in a way that is accessible.

Their analyses will include:

  • A short description of the article—who wrote it, name of publication, date of publication, topic
  • A discussion of the strengths and the limitations or weaknesses of the article
  • A discussion of the ways in which this article promotes or dispels myths about permanency or adoption
  • Links and citations

We hope you enjoy the series of thoughtful articles.