
December 2014

Screening & Transparency Workgroup Preliminary Recommendations (Updated)

By |2016-12-01T19:32:58-06:00December 30th, 2014|Categories: CASCW at the Capitol|Tags: , , , , , , |

Updated Jan. 5, 2015, to reflect the Initial Recommendations report, released December 31, 2014. Changes and additions are highlighted yellow , and deletions are marked as strikethroughs. The Screening & Transparency Workgroup preliminary recommendations are listed below, grouped under general themes (which are found in the light gray boxes). Each of these recommendations [...]

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November 2014

New data on adoption and foster care in the US

By |2016-12-01T19:32:59-06:00November 25th, 2014|Categories: CASCW at the Capitol|Tags: , , , , |

Preliminary estimates for fiscal year (FY) 2013 on national adoption and foster care statistics were made available at the end of September via The AFCARS Report No. 21 (AFCARS stands for Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System). These estimates are current as of July 2014. Demographics There were 402,378 children in foster care [...]

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January 2013

What happens when adoption fails?

By |2016-12-01T19:33:10-06:00January 28th, 2013|Categories: Stability, Permanency, and Adoption|Tags: , , , , |

Two weeks ago the City Limits newspaper published a series by Rachel Blustain on what she termed, "broken adoptions" - that is, adoption dissolutions. Photo by Marc Fader for City Limits. The numbers of how many adoptions fail is a tough statistic to obtain, in part because many adoption dissolutions occur years afer an adoption [...]

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Uninterrupted Scholars Act aims to improve educational outcomes for youth in foster care

By |2016-12-01T19:33:10-06:00January 9th, 2013|Categories: Stability, Permanency, and Adoption|Tags: , , , , , |

Representative Karen Bass (D-CA) along with bipartisan support from fellow members of the Congressional Caucus on Foster Youth Reps. Tom Marino (R-PA), Michelle Bachmann (R-MN) and Jim McDermott (D-WA) saw their bill aimed at improving educational outcomes of youth in foster care pass both the House and Senate on January 1, 3013. The members of [...]

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August 2012

New figures show decrease in number of children waiting for adoption

By |2016-12-01T19:33:14-06:00August 13th, 2012|Categories: Stability, Permanency, and Adoption|Tags: , , , |

The Children's Bureau released a new Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System (AFCARS) report for 2011 (October 1-September 30, 2011). According to the report: In 2011, there was a continued trend toward fewer children waiting for adoption (104,236 children, down from 109,456 in 2010 and from 133,682 in 2007).During the reporting period, parental [...]

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