CASCW at the Capitol

CASCW at the Capitol, our child welfare policy blog, was developed as a way to disseminate relevant child welfare-related policy information to child welfare practitioners and supervisors.

May 2022

What are Citizen Review Panels (CRP)?

By |2022-05-23T19:11:23-05:00May 23rd, 2022|Categories: CASCW at the Capitol|Tags: , , , |

A glimpse into Minnesota’s CRP Process Written by Mariel Carlson, MSW, Graduate Assistant, In the process of preparing this blog, this writer consulted with a local child welfare worker. A Brief History Citizen Review Panels (CRPs) are committees composed of volunteer community members, established in each state for the purpose of keeping state members [...]

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Fosters’ Voices at the Capitol and in the System

By |2022-05-20T10:57:14-05:00May 20th, 2022|Categories: CASCW at the Capitol|Tags: , , , |

Foster Advocates photo credit: Senate Media Services At Foster Advocates, we empower our young people by lifting up their passion and expertise and building a Foster-led movement for meaningful systems change. Our network of Fosters* have been working hard this year to elevate three critical issues affecting Fosters in Minnesota. We can’t think [...]

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Week 16: Wrapping Up the 2022 Session

By |2022-05-13T10:23:39-05:00May 13th, 2022|Categories: CASCW at the Capitol|Tags: , |

Compiled by Mariel Carlson, Graduate Assistant Two weeks remain in this legislative session before adjournment on Monday, May 23. This means that the House and Senate must reconcile their party differences in order to pass omnibus bills. Currently, the House is led by the DFL and the Senate has a GOP majority. Governor Tim [...]

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April 2022

The Color of Child Welfare

By |2022-04-29T13:34:06-05:00April 28th, 2022|Categories: CASCW at the Capitol|Tags: |

“The racial disproportionality in our system tells its own story. We tend to value some people more than others; we see some people's love for their children as more valid and valuable than others. Racism and messaging about race  and families reinforce the negative, biased beliefs that drive our current system. We're [...]

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Legislative Efforts to Address the Mental Health Crisis

By |2022-04-27T14:18:54-05:00April 27th, 2022|Categories: CASCW at the Capitol|Tags: , |

The mental health of children and youth has been negatively impacted during the pandemic. We observed missed developmental milestones, isolation, hunger, unstable housing, grief, ambiguous loss, and lost connections to adults. Simply put, it was a really hard time and many youth had nothing in their “toolbox” to help get them through this [...]

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The Intersection of Policy and Practice: Anderson reflects on QPI-MN

By |2022-04-22T15:23:39-05:00April 22nd, 2022|Categories: CASCW at the Capitol|Tags: , , |

Executive Director, AspireMN This week at the CASCW Spring 2022 Conference we were inspired, instructed and sent – to further Support Collaborative Birth and Foster Parent Relationships in Child Welfare (as the conference was titled). Discussions included reflections from research, personal narrative, practice implementation strategies, and interestingly – little direct discussion of policy.Instead there [...]

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Week 13: Omnibus Bills Updates; HeadStart Funding; Ukrainian Families Reach United States-Mexico Border

By |2022-04-21T09:39:44-05:00April 21st, 2022|Categories: CASCW at the Capitol|Tags: , , |

Compiled by Mariel Carlson, Graduate Assistant and Ariana King, Graduate Assistant The Minnesota legislature returned from break on Tuesday to continue its hearings of omnibus bills. Previous bills which we reported on and were laid over for possible inclusion have “lost their number” when they are potentially rolled into the committee omnibus bills. National [...]

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Week 12: Omnibus Bills Move Forward; National and International Child Welfare News

By |2022-04-15T09:28:16-05:00April 15th, 2022|Categories: CASCW at the Capitol|Tags: |

Compiled by Mariel Carlson, Graduate Assistant The Minnesota legislature is on break this week and will be returning on Tuesday, April 19th to resume hearings on omnibus bills and more. National News A bill entitled “Ensuring Medicaid Continuity for Children in Foster Care Act of 2021” (S.2689 / H.R. 5414) has been proposed in [...]

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