HHS budget

March 2015

House Budget Resolution and Targets Set, HHS Budget Target is $11.62 Billion

By |2016-12-01T19:32:57-06:00March 26th, 2015|Categories: CASCW at the Capitol|Tags: , , , |

Representative Jim Knoblach, chair of the House Ways and Means Committee, discusses his proposed budget resolution during the Mar. 24, 2015, committee hearing. Source: Archived video from MNHouseInfo on YouTube On Tuesday night the House Ways and Means Committee set the budget resolution and budget targets for the various finance committees (view the committee hearing [...]

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House Ways and Means To Set Budget Resolution

By |2016-12-01T19:32:57-06:00March 24th, 2015|Categories: CASCW at the Capitol|Tags: , |

Tonight at Last week the committee heard testimony on the house budget resolution. Testimonials urged for investment in services for adults with disabilities, education, and improvement of the state's infrastructure. Bills that we're keeping our eye on include SF 825 and SF 1356. SF 825 covers reimbursement of child welfare agency costs and tribal customary [...]

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April 2013

House Health & Human Services Finance omnibus bill changes

By |2016-12-01T19:33:08-06:00April 5th, 2013|Categories: CASCW at the Capitol|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

Update 4/16/13, 11:09 AM - Content clarification Update 4/5/13, 11:05 AM - Content clarification On Wednesday in the House Health and Human Services (HHS) Finance committee, Assistant Commissioner of Child and Family Services Erin Sullivan Sutton provided a walk-through of Governor Dayton's updated HHS budget recommendations from his supplemental budget as they pertain to children [...]

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March 2013

Omnibus HHS Finance budget bill introduced & Governor Dayton’s budget proposal revised

By |2016-12-01T19:33:09-06:00March 15th, 2013|Categories: CASCW at the Capitol|Tags: , , , , , , , |

On Monday, March 11, the House introduced its version of the omnibus health and human services finance budget bill, H.F. 1233; the Senate version, S.F. 1034, had been introduced March 4. As this is a budget year, this bill will be a main focus of our blogging, if not the main focus. Next week I [...]

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May 2011

Week in Review: May 20, 2011 – Money Matters

By |2016-12-01T19:33:23-06:00May 20th, 2011|Categories: CASCW at the Capitol|Tags: , , , , , , |

Minnesota is racing toward the Monday, May 23rd, deadline. Governor Dayton has indicated that he will reject any legislative budget proposals that resolve the deficit using cuts only; Dayton is calling for an approach that includes cuts and increased revenue. See Politics in Minnesota and MPR. Yesterday, the legislators passed to Governor Dayton their final [...]

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Health & Human Services conference committee reaches budget deal. CDF-MN provides analysis.

By |2016-12-01T19:33:23-06:00May 16th, 2011|Categories: CASCW at the Capitol|Tags: , , , |

The conference committees have been bustling in advance of the session deadline. House and Senate conference committee members agreed to the Health & Human Services budget amongst other budget areas. The Conference Committee Working Targets spreadsheet shows how each budget area's current proposal compares to the other policy areas, as well as how each compares [...]

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April 2011

MN House Passes Health & Human Services Budget Cuts

By |2016-12-01T19:33:25-06:00April 7th, 2011|Categories: CASCW at the Capitol|Tags: , , , |

Wednesday, April 6th, the full Minnesota House of Representatives voted on and passed the Health and Human Services Omnibus bill, SF760. The passage of the bill is a step toward major budget cuts to social service and health care programs across the state. For details of the debate, the vote, the bill's contents and next [...]

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Social Work Day at the Capitol & Call for Action

By |2016-12-01T19:33:25-06:00April 5th, 2011|Categories: CASCW at the Capitol|Tags: , , , , , , |

Monday April 4th was the 15th Annual Social Work Day at the Capitol. The local Fox 9 News covered the social workers' rally. Here's the short video: Social Workers' Rally Supports Dayton's Wealthy Tax: MyFoxTWINCITIES.com The MN Social Service Association put out a call to action. The full MN House, on April 6th, will begin [...]

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