foster care
Siblings in Foster Care: Assessment Considerations for Child Welfare Professionals
Author: Jeffrey Waid, MSW, PhD
Published: June 2018
This module provides an overview of sibling relationships and their influence on child development. Research regarding the impact of siblings on foster care placement stability, permanency, and well-being are discussed. Assessment considerations with siblings in foster care settings are provided.
Positive Youth Development for Siblings in Foster Care
Authors: Jeffrey Waid, PhD, MSW and Maia Uhrich
Published: November 2018
This training module describes risk, resilience and positive youth development (PYD), Camp to Belong (a brief, camp-based reunification program for sibling groups separated by foster care), and how PYD programming can support youth in foster care.
Watch the module:
CW360° - Spring 2009 - Permanency or Aging Out: Adolescents in the Child Welfare System
Readers are introduced to the complexities often present when working with adolescents in foster care. Solutions and innovations for improving practice are provided.
CW360° - Spring 2010 - Promoting Placement Stability
Stability is often elusive for children and youth in out-of-home care. This issue presents a variety of research findings and perspectives in order to address this need.
Articles include research and federal policy related to placement stability, ways in which workers, advocates, and agencies can help youth achieve stability, and perspectives of individuals directly and indirectly involved in helping youth attain stability.
CW360° - Summer 2022 - Supporting Collaborative Birth and Foster Parent Relationships in Child Welfare
The focus of this issue of CW360 is supporting birth and foster parent partnerships and fostering collaboration among caregivers for children in care. In this issue, we explore the history and dynamics of these relationships, promising programs to promote birth and foster parent connections, and hear from many folks with lived child welfare experience.